In order for the EU to meet its binding energy efficiency and emissions targets, measures have been identfied that are required to be introduced by member states. The measures cover activities in the public sector, utilities, buildings and transport, financing of energy projects, and energy use in large enterprises.
Large Enterprises, those over 250 employees and an annual turnover in excess of €50m, must carry out an energy audit of their operations every four years. The first such audit must be completed by 5th December 2015.
The directive has been transposed into Irish Law as Statutory Instrument (SI) 426 of 2014. Part 3 of this legislation covers Energy Audits.
How to comply
Large Enterprises must either carry out an energy audit or
Demonstrate that they are implementing an energy or environmental management system*.
*This must be certified by an independent body according to the relevant European or International standards. They must then be able to demonstrate to SEAI that the management system concerned includes a specific and detailed energy audit element.
In Ireland, this is referred to as the “Energy Auditing Scheme”. This audit must be completed every four years.
To demonstrate compliance, a business must use a Registered Energy Auditor to complete the audit. Navitus are qualified to help your business meet this requirement.